A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom

by Foreigner John

4.7 (1)







Summer is here, everyone must be trying to lose weight again in order to look better in clothes.

In addition to exercise and fitness, a healthy diet also has a very important effect on maintaining a good body.

Today I will share with you a delicacy from the depths of the ocean. It is rich in protein, dietary fiber, and many vitamins. It is an absolute healthy food. Hope you all like it!

Next, let’s take a look at how to make this refreshing and healthy cold dish!


A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom

1. Let's deal with the sea mushroom first.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

2. Add some water to the dried sea fungus and soak for at least 20 minutes until the sea fungus is completely unfolded.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

3. Boil a pot of boiling water, add the soaked sea mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. You can add a little cooking wine to get rid of fishy.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

4. Drain the cooked sea mushrooms.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

5. Then, pour it into ice water and cool it down completely. This will keep the sea mushrooms crispy taste.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

6. Next, let's prepare other ingredients. Shred the carrots.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

7. Shred the onion.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

8. Cut the parsley into inch pieces.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

9. Cut the coriander into inch pieces.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

10. Let's prepare the sauce below. Use a garlic press to press a piece of garlic into minced garlic.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

11. Then add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce to the seasoning bowl.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

12. Add 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

13. Add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

14. Add 1 teaspoon of brown sugar.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

15. Stir well until the brown sugar is dissolved.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

16. Now, all our ingredients are ready. Let's formally mix the salad. Add the drained sea mushroom and all the side dishes to a large bowl.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

17. Pour in the sauce.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

18. Stir the vegetables and sauces well.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

19. Put the mixed salad on the plate.

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe

20. Then decorate with some roasted black and white sesame seeds, and our cold salad is ready! You can eat it!

A Diet Dish from The Deep Sea: Cold Sea Mushroom recipe


Sea velvet, also called submarine dragon, Longjincai, is a kind of green natural food with rich nutrition and delicious taste in brown algae. It is a wild and natural deep-sea plant and one of the most precious and rare members of the deep-sea plant.

Due to the harsh growth conditions of sea velvet, only a small amount of it can grow in the unpolluted waters off the coast of the South China Sea in Chile. The growth cycle of the sea mushroom is 3 years, and the sea mushroom core can be stripped for more than 5 years.

Sea velvet is a restricted mining resource in the world, and its annual export volume is limited to more than 300 tons. The permitted mining period for the stems (tails of the sea velvet) and roots (the tendons of the sea velvet) are 4 years and 8 years, respectively, and the output is less.

The sea velvet taste is plump and crisp. In addition to containing all the nutrients higher than land plants, such as protein, vitamins, cellulose, calcium, iodine, sodium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium, it also has unique marine characteristics. More than 20 kinds of nutrients: alginate algin, fucosterol, EPA (unsaturated fatty acid), SOD (superoxide dismutase), etc., as well as rich collagen and many other indispensable nutrients for the human body , It is the most healthy and delicious nutritious food nowadays.

Sea mushroom can be used as a diet food for obese patients because it has low fat content and a large amount of cellulose. After eating a small amount, it will feel full. The fucoxanthin contained in sea velvet can also activate UCP1 protein, which can promote lipolysis. At the same time, it can also stimulate the liver to produce DHA, which lowers cholesterol levels.

At the same time, sea mushroom has many other benefits such as improving immunity, strengthening brain, anti-radiation, beauty and so on. If you are interested, you can study it!


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