Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings

by He Xiaohe

4.7 (1)







It is the college entrance examination season again, and I recommend this healthy corn dumpling.
My family eats dumplings every three to five. Recently, I like fresh corn kernels. They are very delicious, sweet and crisp. Add them to the dumpling fillings and the dumplings will become even more delicious. Since I tried this for the first time, it seems to have reopened the door to a new world, and my kids love it too. Today’s dumpling stuffing is alfalfa haw and corn. It’s very special and delicious, and it’s worth sharing.
Not only is there fresh corn in the dumpling stuffing, but the materials used in today's dumpling wrappers are also different. The corn dumpling powder is used, and the taste is smooth and delicious when cooked, and the color is also very appetizing. In addition to being delicious, it is also particularly healthy. Moderate consumption of whole grains is beneficial to the body.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings

1. Pick up the alfalfa haw, as long as the sprouts, blanch them in a pot of boiling water for 3 minutes, then take them out and soak them in cold water for one day, changing the water several times during the period.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

2. After soaking, the alfalfa hawthorn is taken out and dried.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

3. Chop and set aside.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

4. Add minced green onion and ginger to the meat filling, add oyster sauce, five-spice powder, light soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, peanut oil and other seasonings, and mix well.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

5. You can add some water when stirring the meat filling, and stir in one direction for a while, and then fully pour the water into the meat filling. The filling will be more tender and juicy.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

6. Add the corn kernels and the alfalfa haw just cut.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

7. Stir well again and the filling is ready.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

8. This time, the dumplings used corn dumpling flour. The flour and water were put into the bucket of the bread machine, and the aroma of corn flour came out at once.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

9. Knead for 15 minutes to form a smooth dough.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

10. Kneaded dough.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

11. The kneaded dough is rolled into long strips and cut into evenly-sized noodles.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

12. Then press it flat, and roll it out into dumpling skins with thin edges and thick middles.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

13. Start making dumplings, dig out a spoonful of dumpling filling and place it on the dumpling skin. If the technique is not good enough, put less dumpling filling.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

14. According to my own habit, it is enough to make dumplings without revealing the stuffing. I just learned how to make dumplings with my sister-in-law recently.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

15. All wrapped up.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe

16. Start to cook the dumplings, add water to the soup pot and boil, then add the dumplings. Boil over the high heat for 3 minutes until the dumplings become fat and larger, and they are all cooked when they float on the water. Take it out and eat it with vinegar. It's really delicious.

Algebra Haw Corn Dumplings recipe


1. Add some water when stirring the dumpling filling, which will make the filling more tender and juicy, and more delicious.
2. If you don't use the bread machine to knead the dough, you must wake it up for a while.
3. Cook the dumplings to make them fatter.


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