Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun

by rhrvud

4.6 (1)







As an incompetent mother, she took great pains to get her baby to eat more vegetables. She accidentally found her baby likes to eat steamed buns, so she started to challenge pasta. The skin made from cold water noodles is hard, and the noodles are more like to eat. , So I force myself on the road of no return, hahaヾノ≧∀≦)o


Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun

1. Pour in a bowl of warm water to dissolve the yeast, then put in two bowls of flour, and mix thoroughly. The draught of flour of each brand is different, depending on the situation. After adjusting, put a layer of plastic wrap on the basin, then place it in the oven, and set it to the baking mode for 60 minutes. After the dough is made, it is more than twice the original dough. The process of making face-to-face is a bit horrible, so I won’t upload pictures

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

2. Take advantage of the process of making the noodles, prepare the dishes. Thaw alfalfa hawthorn (I bought it in the season when it was abundant, and put it in the refrigerator after blanching it). Clean up the leeks, wash them well and set aside.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

3. Cut the pork and shrimp into small pieces, shred the green onion, chop the ginger and put it in a basin, add some light soy sauce (just let the pork color) and stir.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

4. Look at the picture

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

5. Finely chop leek and alfalfa haw.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

6. Look at the picture

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

7. Put the vegetables in the basin, add peanut oil, I used the spoon at home, one spoon, you can make an appropriate amount according to your own taste. Then stir well.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

8. After the oil is evenly stirred, add a spoonful of salt, and then stir.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

9. Calculate the time, the dough should be fermented, and pull it out from the pot. (Yes, it pulls it out. I did this. T﹏T hates the feeling that the dough sticks to your hands). Knead it until it is smooth and cover it with plastic wrap. , Put it aside and let it calm down (the so-called wake up!) I also calm down

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

10. Prepare dried corn leaves during the waking process (lay them under the buns when steaming in the pot). Because my buns are small, the leaves have to be cut smaller

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

11. Everything is ready, wrap it up~ the first finished product

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

12. Look at the picture

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

13. Two layers, the dough is left at the end, and it turns into a roll.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

14. Cover the lid and wake up. Let our little buns get fatter, turn on the fire, and steam for 15 minutes.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe

15. Turn off the heat and wait for 15 minutes before serving.

Alfalfa Haw Seafood Meat Bun recipe


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