Apple Tower

Apple Tower

by neco

4.6 (1)








Apple Tower

1. While preheating the oven to 200 degrees, put sugar in the lemon juice and stir well.

Apple Tower recipe

2. Cut the tapi into 24cm discs and place them on oiled paper.

Apple Tower recipe

3. Peel the apples, core them, slice them, and dip them in lemon juice.

Apple Tower recipe

4. Place the apple slices on top of the tapi, make a round shape, roll up the sides of the tapi, and wrap the apples.

Apple Tower recipe

5. Excess apples and tapies are piled on top.

Apple Tower recipe

6. Bake for 25 minutes or the surface will be golden. The apples are sweet and sour, soft and waxy, and the tart is crisp and crisp.

Apple Tower recipe


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