Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup

by Happy elf a

4.9 (1)







Yesterday, my mother was not busy. We took the children together and walked to the food market. Fortunately these few days, affected by Typhoon Maria, the weather is not so hot, otherwise I would not agree with her and the children, follow me If you go out together, think about it, if it’s a hot day of more than 30 degrees, if you walk outside and expose it to the sun for a while, your skin will feel tingling, and in severe cases, there will be peeling. . .
Went to the big vegetable market, I saw that this was fresh, I bought some, and I saw that it was also fresh, and I bought some, a small trolley, packed full of things, who told me that there are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables, and I want to buy back Early adopters at home. I asked my mother and Xiaobao what fish or seafood they would like to eat. My original intention was to buy crayfish for a taste, but my mother said that the crayfish meat is scarce and the price is expensive. It is better to buy some fresh fish and cook the soup. ; Well, mother's words are imperial decree, let's be a good girl, and honestly go buy fish. Speaking of the crayfish, I took a look at it. It was really small, and the belly was dark at 35 pounds. It felt very dirty. I was really worried about its growth environment, so I gave up decisively.
My mother and Xiaobao both said they wanted to eat yellow-bone fish. Haha, I really want to eat this fish as a family. The yellow bone fish is the most common type of fish in our family from snacks to now. When adding supplementary food, he often uses yellow bone fish to boil the noodles for him to eat. The fish bones are very few, and the meat is delicious and tender. It is one of the very popular fish species. It is rich in protein and various minerals such as magnesium, sodium and potassium. It has high nutritional value and medicinal value; regular consumption of yellow bone fish will play a good role in promoting intellectual development, enriching blood and brain, and strengthening Bones, promote fertility, and improve the effect of human immunity.
I used yellow bone fish to make the soup, and I went to other vegetable stalls to buy a handful of perilla to make the soup with yellow bone fish. Perilla, which is a medicinal and food source, has a fragrant smell and a slightly pungent taste. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, calms the nerves, lowers blood pressure and lowers cholesterol, etc.; it can not only remove the fishy smell but also improve the freshness when used in the soup.
The light and non-greasy basil yellow bone fish soup is really delicious. Although this yellow bone fish is a little expensive, the price is 22 yuan per catty. The wizard bought 5 for 30 yuan, plus 2 yuan for the purple Su, I boiled a full soup. Xiaobao ate two fishes and drank two bowls of soup. My parents were very happy. At that moment, I had some regrets, so I should buy more of them. But it doesn’t matter. Our days are still long. We will re-list it as a soup that we often drink on our table in the future. Let’s make a pot once a week, how about?


Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup

1. Prepare freshly slaughtered yellow bone fish.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

2. After cleaning up the sundries, wash and drain.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

3. Put it in a deep basin, add cooking wine, ginger and pepper, mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

4. Perilla, pinch off the rough and old parts, wash and chop finely, cut the chives into sections.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

5. Peel the garlic and smash, slice the ginger, and cut the millet pepper into sections.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

6. Pour corn oil and lard into the pot.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

7. Put ginger, garlic, millet and pepper in a hot pot.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

8. Under the marinated yellow bone fish.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

9. Fry over medium-low heat until slightly yellow on both sides.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

10. Add enough hot water.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

11. Turn to high heat and bring to a boil, then turn to medium-low heat, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

12. When the soup is milky white, add refined salt.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

13. Season with pepper.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

14. Add basil.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

15. Boil for about 5 minutes, turn off the heat and it will serve.

Basil Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe


1: If you want the fish soup to taste good, you must heat the water.
2: The fish soup itself is very delicious, no need to add too much seasoning, a little salt and pepper is enough.
3: Add the right amount of lard, this is also a little trick for the fish soup to taste good and not fishy.


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