Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup

by Han Han 1869

4.6 (1)







Every time I come back to my hometown in winter, I will drink yellow bone fish boiled lettuce soup. The delicious flavor is charming. When I come home for the New Year, I will want to reunite and sit around with a pot of delicious fish soup. Every time I think about it, I feel very happy and warm the taste of


Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup

1. First wash the fresh yellow bone fish and remove the internal organs

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

2. 4 cloves garlic diced

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

3. Shredded ginger

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

4. You can add hot peppers according to your preference. If you like spicy, you can put more, if you don’t like it, you can put less, just cut into small dices.

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

5. Cut garlic into large slices

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

6. Garlic leaves cut into small pieces

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

7. Heat the pot, add the ginger after putting the oil

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

8. Put the cleaned yellow bone fish in

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

9. Fried yellow on both sides, add a small amount of cooking wine

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

10. Put the garlic head and heat water to boil

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

11. Lettuce slices

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

12. Put in the soup

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

13. Pour into a small pot and continue cooking

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

14. Add two spoons of salt, chicken essence, and pepper

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe

15. Put the garlic leaves and the leftover leaves of lettuce in the pot and put it on the alcohol stove. You can put green vegetables while eating. The taste is really delicious.

Lettuce Yellow Bone Fish Soup recipe


The yellow bone fish salt should be washed out.\nIt is better to cook the soup in hot water without any fishy smell\nYou can put some MSG to make it fresh\n


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