Black Pepper Steak

Black Pepper Steak

by The kitchen of emblica honey

4.7 (1)







My daughter has long wanted to eat steak, but the steak here will have more fresh beef from autumn to spring, usually more processed beef. And he didn't dare to do his cooking skills. This day I finally made a delicious steak, and we can make more delicious dishes at home in the future.
Ingredients: 300 grams of steak. Side dishes: 100 grams of broccoli, 200 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of onions, and small tomatoes. Seasoning: 30 grams of Chicago beef marinade, 30 grams of black pepper beef sauce powder, 20 grams of olive oil, and 20 grams of butter."

Black Pepper Steak

1. Prepare the seasoning and steak. The steak is about 2cm thick.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

2. After washing the beef, absorb the moisture. Add 30 grams of steak marinade.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

3. Rub the meat evenly, and then apply a layer of olive oil. Seal it up and let it marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour or more.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

4. Prepare your favorite vegetables.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

5. Boil the broccoli with boiling water after washing.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

6. Fill the pot with oil, fry the onion and set it out.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

7. Cut the potatoes into thick slices and fry them in a pan.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

8. Take 30 grams of black pepper beef sauce meat powder. Add 90 grams of water. Heyun.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

9. Turn on low heat, stir while cooking, and cook until thick.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

10. Heat the frying pan, add the steak, and fry on high heat to slightly char on both sides. Fry one side, then fry the other side, about 20 seconds per side.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

11. Pretend the fried steak. Melt the butter in the pan.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

12. Re-enter the steak and fry it over medium and low heat. Fry on one side and then fry on the other side for 2, 3 minutes per side.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

13. You can cut a small mouth and have a look. Fry to the degree of maturity you like.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

14. Plate the fried steak. Serve vegetables.

Black Pepper Steak recipe

15. Just drizzle on the sauce and enjoy it.

Black Pepper Steak recipe


1. The marinating time depends on the thickness of the steak. My steak is not very thick, and it has been covered for more than an hour, at least half an hour or more.

2. Fry on high heat first to lock the moisture inside the steak. Ensure its moisture.

3. When I cut a small mouth, it looked like half-ripe, and the gravy came out. Generally, you can check once or twice with a small cut, and the gravy will flow out after many small cuts.

4. Vegetables can be roasted, fried, or boiled. You can choose the type you like.

5. I prepare a lot of vegetables, so I also use some sauces. The saltiness can be added according to the liking's preference.


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