Boiled Lard

Boiled Lard

by 0 Zucchini 0

5.0 (1)







Compared with general vegetable oil, the fat of animal oil has an irreplaceable special fragrance. When eating noodles, dig a small spoonful of it and don’t feel too delicious.


Boiled Lard

1. Fatty meat is thawed ahead of time

Boiled Lard recipe

2. Slice the pork when it’s still a bit firm

Boiled Lard recipe

3. After the pot is heated (without adding oil), pour the fatty meat, change it to a low heat, and stir fry gently

Boiled Lard recipe

4. The fat will become transparent when heated

Boiled Lard recipe

5. Slowly a lot of grease will overflow

Boiled Lard recipe

6. The fat is boiled into small golden particles, and the oil residue is removed from the fire.

Boiled Lard recipe

7. Pour the hot oil into a bowl, add a little salt and let it cool until it becomes milky white solid and put it in the refrigerator

Boiled Lard recipe


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