Braided Bread

Braided Bread

by meggy dancing apple

4.8 (1)







The weather was so cold and cloudy, and the sun was not visible for a few days, but this did not stop my determination and interest in making "food". Today I think of braided bread again. I haven't made four-braided bread for a long time. I don't remember how to make a four-strand braid. Fortunately, I looked through my previous recipes and found that there were a lot of previous tricks.

Thinking that when I just started to learn baking, I wanted to try every pattern and every taste. The more fancy and complicated the more interesting. On the contrary, after all of these were met, the unpretentious big toast returned to my hands.

After reading the illustrations in my cookbook, I quickly grasped it. Although there is not too much language description, it is presented very clearly step by step. I think this should also be the convenience of the recipe for users. "

Braided Bread

1. All materials are ready

Braided Bread recipe

2. All ingredients except butter are put into the chef's machine basin

Braided Bread recipe

3. Stir at a slow speed, after mixing into a dough, add softened butter, turn to medium speed and continue to knead

Braided Bread recipe

4. About 10 minutes, the dough can be pulled out of this film

Braided Bread recipe

5. Round the dough, put it in a basin, cover it with plastic wrap, and perform basic fermentation in a warm and humid place

Braided Bread recipe

6. When the dough is 2.5 times its original size, dip your fingers in the flour and poke a hole in the top of the dough without collapsing or shrinking. Fermentation is successful.

Braided Bread recipe

7. Take out the dough, place it on the kneading pad, divide it into 12 equal parts after exhausting

Braided Bread recipe

8. Knead round separately, relax for 10 minutes, cover with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from evaporating

Braided Bread recipe

9. Make a group of four doughs and knead them into even strips, as shown in the figure

Braided Bread recipe

10. The leftmost one goes to the middle

Braided Bread recipe

11. Two twisted

Braided Bread recipe

12. Take the far right to the left

Braided Bread recipe

13. Start the second set: the leftmost one goes to the right

Braided Bread recipe

14. Two twisted

Braided Bread recipe

15. The one on the far right goes to the left

Braided Bread recipe

16. Start the third set: take the far left to the right, and then repeat the above steps

Braided Bread recipe

17. The main body of the complete braid

Braided Bread recipe

18. Pinch the end tightly

Braided Bread recipe

19. Three braids are completed, put them in a non-stick baking pan, and perform two haircuts in a warm and humid place

Braided Bread recipe

20. When the raw bread is twice as large, start to preheat the oven to 180 degrees; lightly brush a layer of egg liquid on the surface of the bread

Braided Bread recipe

21. Put it into the middle layer of the preheated oven, 180 degrees, upper and lower fire, about 20 degrees, when the surface color is too heavy, you can cover with tin foil

Braided Bread recipe

22. Let cool after baking

Braided Bread recipe

23. Sliced

Braided Bread recipe


1. Adding cake flour is to make the finished bread softer. If there is no cake flour, it can be omitted.
2. Bread flour is high-gluten flour, and cake flour is low-gluten flour;
3. There is no cook machine, you can knead the film with a bread machine or hand kneading;
4. After the dough is first made, dip your fingers in the flour and poke holes, collapse indicates excessive fermentation, and shrinkage indicates insufficient fermentation;
5. Braiding is not easy to describe in words, you can look at the picture and explain step by step;
6. The baking time and temperature are adjusted according to your own oven.


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