Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling

by Purple rhyme

4.6 (1)







Generally, white sugar is used to make fillings, but brown sugar has higher nutritional content than white sugar, so I chose brown sugar to make this red bean paste filling.
Brown sugar usually refers to the finished sugar of sugarcane with honey, generally refers to the sugar with honey formed by squeezing the juice of sugarcane, through simple processing, and concentrating. Brown sugar water is the most common and practical brown sugar health drink in the early days.
Brown sugar water is also helpful to women's menstrual flow. It can warm the body, increase energy, activate qi and blood, speed up blood circulation, and menstrual flow will be smoother. If you feel poor after menstruation and your complexion is not good, you can drink a cup of brown sugar water with a concentration of about 20% before lunch every day. When the symptoms of discomfort are severe, you can add another drink before dinner for a week to effectively improve.
The glucose contained in brown sugar releases energy quickly, has a high absorption and utilization rate, and can quickly replenish physical strength. Children with insufficient gas, loss of appetite, malnutrition, etc. can drink brown sugar water in moderation on weekdays. People who suffer from cold and abdominal pain and who are susceptible to colds during menstruation can also use brown sugar ginger soup to dispel cold. Brown sugar also has an excellent healing and nourishing effect for the frail elderly, especially those who have just recovered from a serious illness. Taking brown sugar in moderation for the elderly can also disperse blood stasis and promote blood circulation, relieve bowel movements, and relieve liver and eyesight.


Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling

1. Soak the red beans overnight in advance.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

2. Pour the red beans into the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of water, the water is half more than the red beans.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

3. Then press the cooking button, do not turn it on after tripping, and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

4. Do not pour the water used to cook the red beans. You need to add the red bean water to stir when the red beans are cooked.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

5. Take out the red beans and beat them with a food processor. Add a little vegetable oil to the pan.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

6. Then add the beaten red bean paste.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

7. Stir fry until the red bean paste begins to dry and add brown sugar.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

8. Continue to stir-fry until the brown sugar is completely melted and the filling is relatively dry.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe

9. Finally, put it out and let it cool before storing in the refrigerator.

Brown Sugar Bean Paste Mooncake Filling recipe


Eating brown sugar during menstruation can relieve menstrual pain and have the effect of enriching blood. Eating brown sugar after pregnancy is the effect of enriching blood, but long-term consumption of brown sugar is easy to get angry, and it is easy to damp and regurgitate.
The brown sugar is adjusted according to my favorite sweetness. I used 200 grams of brown sugar, which is a bit sweeter.
When frying the fillings, be sure to use a low heat, and stir constantly. The stuffing can be frozen in the freezer if you can't finish it at one time, and it can be kept for a long time.
When filling the stuffing, it is dry and hard to beat. You can add a proper amount of red bean water, if not, add water.
It is best to use a non-stick pan when frying stuffing.


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