Cabbage Stewed Yuba

Cabbage Stewed Yuba

by swallow but

4.8 (1)







In the past, cabbage was stewed tofu. I didn’t buy it today. I turned to a bag of yuba. I tried it like this, but I didn’t expect it to taste ok. Good for scraping oil! "


Cabbage Stewed Yuba

1. Without taking detailed pictures, it's so easy to do. Soak and wash the yuba in advance. Cut the cabbage and fry until there is water. Pour in the yuba for a minute or two.

Cabbage Stewed Yuba recipe

2. Add salt, fuel consumption, and light soy sauce in turn. Cover the pot and simmer for 15 minutes.

Cabbage Stewed Yuba recipe

3. Eat out of the pot

Cabbage Stewed Yuba recipe


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