Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake

by Kusatsuki

5.0 (1)







Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake

1. Stir syrup, liquid soap, and ghee evenly

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

2. Add low flour

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

3. Knead into dough

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

4. Wrap with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

5. The egg yolks are heated in the microwave for a few minutes

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

6. Take 45 grams of coconut stuffing and wrap it into egg yolks

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

7. Take 25g of pasta and squeeze it, wrap it with coconut and egg yolk filling and make a round

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

8. Dip a little flour into the moon cake mold

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

9. Press out the pattern in the baking tray

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

10. Spray water into the oven at 170 degrees and bake for 5 minutes

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

11. Brush evenly with egg yolk liquid and continue to bake for about 10 minutes

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

12. After being out of the oven, cool it down, seal and pack it and return the oil at room temperature.

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

13. Finished product

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

14. Finished product

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe

15. Finished product

Cantonese Style Coconut and Egg Yolk Mooncake recipe


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