Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

by Q pig baby

4.9 (1)







This time I made 3 styles, with red bean paste, black sesame seed, and white lotus paste. My uncle has bad teeth and can't eat the egg yolk, so he specified to eat the pure lotus paste filling, hehe! With these materials, a total of 21 moon cakes of 60 grams were made. I packed 3 boxes and left 3 for tasting. I gave them all to my uncle. I told my uncle that it would take two days to eat after returning the oil. As a result, my aunt said that my uncle couldn't wait, so I ate it that night, and even claimed to praise me, saying that it was done well, and it was delicious! Actually, this is my first time making moon cakes, haha!

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

1. Sift all-purpose flour and milk powder for later use

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

2. Prepare a large container, add invert syrup, then add soap and peanut oil

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

3. Stir evenly with a manual whisk

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

4. Next, sift in the all-purpose flour and milk powder that have been sieved once, and mix them evenly with a spatula

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

5. Mix into a dough, a bit oily, a bit moist, not afraid

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

6. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to relax for more than an hour. I make the skins before lunch, then put them in the refrigerator to relax, and then continue to make them after the meal

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

7. During the relaxation time of the dough, divide the fillings and store them in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator. I use a 63g mold, so my filling will be divided into 40 grams, and the skin will be divided into 20 grams.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

8. Divide the loosened dough into 20g portions. This is the mooncake crust. Here are 20 copies. Later, each save a little bit of skin and make one more.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

9. Put on gloves, take a portion of the mooncake skin, round it, and squash it

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

10. Put a filling, as shown in the picture

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

11. Then wrap it up and round it. One filling for one leather bag, until all the leather is covered

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

12. Prepare some cooked glutinous rice flour (also called cake flour) and pour it into the mold

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

13. Shake it a few times, then pour out the powder

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

14. The round mooncakes are rolled in the cooked glutinous rice flour.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

15. Put the mooncake blanks into the mould soaked in thin powder. The mold used is 63 grams. It’s fine to use a 50-gram mold, just a little bit higher

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

16. Put the mold in a non-stick baking pan, press the mold down firmly to form a shape

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

17. Repeat the above steps until all are completed. A total of 21 moon cakes

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

18. After all the mooncake blanks are pressed, spray water on the surface

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

19. Put the sprayed moon cakes into the preheated oven, middle layer, upper and lower fire, 200 degrees, bake for about 8 minutes, then take it out

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

20. Spread a layer of egg yolk liquid evenly on the shaped mooncake blank (the egg yolk liquid is made from 1 egg and 1 egg yolk). Then put it into the oven, at this time the temperature of the oven turns to 180 degrees, bake for 5 minutes and then take it out

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

21. Brush the egg yolk again, then put it in the oven at 180 degrees and continue to bake for 15 minutes, then take it out

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

22. This is a baked moon cake. The surface is relatively dry and hard. Let it sit for a day or two and it will be ready after the oil is returned.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

23. Pack it after cooling and give it as a gift~ Remember to remind your friends, let the mooncakes return to the oil before eating! Taste better

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe


1. The soap water is actually not completely equal to the alkaline water. The soap water is a mixture of caustic soda and soda ash. The alkaline water is a sodium carbonate solution. The concentration of soap is 60 degrees (because each manufacturer has different formulas and contains different ingredients, manufacturers should do experiments when using it to see if the amount can meet their needs).
2. The role of liquid soap is to neutralize the acidity in the syrup, make the crust alkaline, and make the crust easy to color during baking. The higher the alkalinity, the easier the crust will turn into golden color. , By adjusting, the amount of soap can be adjusted, and the color of the pie crust.
3. There is no direct relationship between the liquid water and the oil return of the cake crust. Whether the cake crust returns the oil is only related to the sugar used for the concentration of the syrup, including the cake crust, fillings and oil.
4. When rubbing the skin, be sure to add liquid soap according to the formula standard. If the liquid soap is too much, the color of the finished product will be dark and easy to burn. It is easy to mold after baking, which will affect the oil return. If you put less water, the crust will be difficult to color during baking, milky white spots appear on the sides of the cake after being cooked, and there are a few wrinkles on the pips, and the bottom of the cake will become white, and the appearance will be affected by trachoma.
5. Preparation of liquid soap: formula one, 50 grams of soda ash powder, 15 grams of water, mix overnight and then filter before use. Recipe 2: 25 kg of soda ash powder, 20 g of caustic soda, 80 kg of boiling water, 0.9 kg of edible soda, mix them all and use. If caustic soda is not used, use 75 kg of water. Caustic soda will make the baked mooncakes red, which can be added during blending.
6. It is best not to eat the finished moon cake right away. Put it in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator for a day or two, let it return to the oil and eat it again, the taste is better!


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