Coffee Mocha Panna

Coffee Mocha Panna

by Mu Yu's Baking Time Machine

4.9 (1)







Because the ingredients and steps are very simple, this is a very casual dessert. If you eat sweet, then you add more sugar, if you want to eat a little bit of custard, then you add more custard, You can do it as you like, you don’t need to be precise in its dosage~~~ So it is definitely a simple and easy-to-operate dessert~~~


Coffee Mocha Panna

1. Prepare the ingredients needed for the coffee panna cotta, and weigh it finely

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

2. Add isinglass powder to 15 grams of milk, dissolve in insulated water, and stir evenly;

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

3. Add instant coffee powder to milk

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

4. Add sugar

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

5. Add 1T cocoa powder

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

6. Heat the coffee milk to 60 degrees, let it cool a little and add honey

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

7. Add isinglass powder liquid

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

8. Sift and pour into the pudding mold

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe

9. Put the lid on, put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours, and the coffee mocha pudding is finished!

Coffee Mocha Panna recipe


Pancakes can be put into various small molds, but be careful when unmolding!


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