Colorful Ding

Colorful Ding

by He Yisheng Xiao Mo

4.7 (1)








Colorful Ding

1. Lean meat and carrots are cut into cubes for later use

Colorful Ding recipe

2. Peel the corn into cubes and dice the ham

Colorful Ding recipe

3. Ginger, garlic, diced

Colorful Ding recipe

4. Heat oil in a pan, sauté ginger and garlic

Colorful Ding recipe

5. Add diced carrots and stir fry for a while

Colorful Ding recipe

6. Add a little chopped pepper and fry together

Colorful Ding recipe

7. Put all the ingredients into the pot and stir fry, you can add a little water

Colorful Ding recipe

8. It's delicious, serve it

Colorful Ding recipe

9. Take a spoon and eat with a spoonful

Colorful Ding recipe


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