Corn Sink

Corn Sink

by Zhang Xiaomo Dining Table

4.8 (1)







Many people in life like to eat boiled corn, but the water used to boil the corn is thrown away. In fact, in addition to the parts that we often eat, corn's silk, stalks and even the water used to boil the corn have a certain therapeutic value. What does the water used to boil the corn do? Corn water is a good drink. The water used for boiling corn not only has the fragrance of corn, but also has good effects of diuresis and anti-inflammatory, prevention of urinary tract infections, and irritation. Summer is the season for high incidence of urinary tract infections. Therefore, it is best to leave some corn silk and two layers of green husks when cooking corn. The taste and medicinal effect will be better. You can add a little sugar or rock sugar when you drink it.
Corn silk can lower blood sugar. In addition to corn, corn silk and corn stalk cob have good health effects. Chinese medicine believes that corn beard has good diuretic, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, and gastric effects. Diabetes patients can use 60 grams of corn silk, 15 grams each of rehmannia, pollen, yam, and polygonatum odoratum, and take it by decocting. Corn stalks have a good antiperspirant effect. For spontaneous sweating and night sweats, you can take 23 corn stalks, add 50 to 100 grams of wheat, and decoct them in water. "


Corn Sink

1. To be precise, this is not a recipe, but I just want to post a topic and temporarily failed to upload it, mainly because I want more friends to pay attention to this nutritious corn water.

2. Wash the waxy corn and cook in a pot of cold water for more than 40 minutes

3. Cook the corn and remove it to dry. If you can't finish it that day, you can cool it and freeze it. The next time you eat it, it will be as delicious as freshly cooked!

4. Do not pour the corn water. The nutritional value is very good. Pour it into another container (don’t need precipitated corn whiskers). Add rock sugar or white sugar while it’s hot. You can drink it hot or refrigerate it as a cold drink. It’s great !

Corn Sink recipe


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