Cornmeal Pudding

Cornmeal Pudding

by Misty soul

4.8 (1)








Cornmeal Pudding

1. Take sticky cornmeal and normal cornmeal (if there is no sticky cornmeal, just use normal cornmeal)

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

2. Add boiling water to blanch until there is no dry flour, let cool

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

3. Raisins are softened with water

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

4. Add flour, yeast and sugar to the cold cornmeal

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

5. Add most of the soaked raisins

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

6. Add water and knead into a softer dough

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

7. Take a non-stick container, the 8-inch cake mold I used, padded silicone oil paper inside, put in the dough, and press it flat

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

8. Sprinkle the remaining raisins

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

9. Let it ferment in a warm place to double its size. I kept it in the refrigerator and fermented overnight, which is more convenient for getting up early the next day. This is the dough that has fermented the next morning

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

10. Put it into the steamer, steam for 30 minutes after the high fire, this is the steamed look

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

11. Cut into pieces

Cornmeal Pudding recipe

12. Fluffy and delicious

Cornmeal Pudding recipe


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