Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca

by Misty soul

4.6 (1)








Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca

1. The sticky cornmeal is mixed with flour and yeast. Home-grown sticky corn is dried and ground into thin noodles. The color is lighter.

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

2. Add water to knead the dough into a softer dough and let it rise in a warm place

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

3. Fermented dough

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

4. Divide into two parts after venting, round up

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

5. Take a portion and roll it out into a circle

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

6. Smeared with red bean paste

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

7. As shown in the figure, make a cut along the radius of the circle

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

8. Roll up along radius

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

9. Until all rolled up, squeeze tightly and close the mouth

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

10. Finish it up a bit and roll it out again. Don't roll it out too thinly, it's better to be thicker

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

11. Fill the pan with oil and heat, put the cake dough, cover the pan and fry on low heat,

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

12. Fry on one side until golden

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

13. Fry on the other side. In the meantime, it can be turned over repeatedly to make the cake evenly heated

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe

14. Cut into pieces, the skin is crispy, and the layers of bean paste are delicious.

Yeast Bean Paste Melaleuca recipe


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