Crispy Rice Cake Strips

Crispy Rice Cake Strips

by Poetic rhyme

5.0 (1)







In addition to cooking fried rice cakes, they can also be fried and eaten. They are crispy and glutinous, very delicious! "


Crispy Rice Cake Strips

1. The finished product!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

2. Prepare ingredients, beat eggs into a bowl, appropriate amount of flour, starch, sugar and salt!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

3. Put an appropriate amount of rice cake strips into the egg liquid flour paste and coat it evenly!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

4. Appropriate amount of breadcrumbs and coat it evenly!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

5. Heat oil in the pan, fry the golden color, remove it!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

6. Fry it out!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

7. The finished product!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe

8. The finished product!

Crispy Rice Cake Strips recipe


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