Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers

by Sago Fiona

4.7 (1)







Lamb warm tonic, taking advantage of the warmth and still cold. Eat the lamb. There is one piece left in the refrigerator, so I am thinking of a different way of eating. I usually greet the lamb skewers outside, but when I see the sanitation, I suddenly lose my appetite. Today, use this piece of lamb hind leg from Wushen Banner, Ordos, to make a toothpick lamb skewers. Gold is fat-to-thin ratio, neither fat nor greasy. Taste just right


Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers

1. Cut the lamb into long slices along the grain. Add appropriate amount of salt, black pepper, cumin powder, light soy sauce, olive oil, oyster sauce, sugar, cooking wine. Grab well and marinate for about 20 minutes

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers recipe

2. Chop garlic into minced pieces, cut small onions into small pieces, remove seeds of dried chili and cut into sections. Dice green pepper.

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers recipe

3. Prepare some toothpicks and boil for 3 minutes to remove. Skewer the marinated lamb slices

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers recipe

4. Pour oil into the pan, and when it is about 60% hot, the chopsticks stick in and bubble. Put the lamb skewers in and fry them over medium heat. When the lamb is cooked thoroughly and changes color, remove the oil to control the oil

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers recipe

5. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, pour in the onion, minced garlic, dried chili, and green pepper in sequence. After the aroma comes out, pour in the fried lamb skewers and turn a few times. Sprinkle in white sesame seeds and chopped green onion out of the pot

Cumin Garlic Lamb Skewers recipe


The lamb will be marinated in advance to taste. The toothpicks must be boiled and then skewered, disinfected, and will not stick to the lamb. . Added cumin and minced garlic. As well as onions and green peppers, the whole skewers are fragrant but not greasy.


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