Dice Dumplings

Dice Dumplings

by Greedy cat vip who loves life

4.6 (1)







Today I made glutinous rice balls for a day, and I left some white dough and cocoa dough. I just made some dice glutinous rice balls, which can be made once for the family who rubs the hemp during the Lantern Festival.

Dice Dumplings

1. Stir-fried peanuts

Dice Dumplings recipe

2. Put it into a cooking cup and beat into a powder

Dice Dumplings recipe

3. Whipped well, because peanuts come with oil, there will be some lumps

Dice Dumplings recipe

4. Pour in powdered sugar and mix well

Dice Dumplings recipe

5. Pour the mixed peanut brittle into olive oil and mix well. The peanut filling is ready

Dice Dumplings recipe

6. Put glutinous rice flour into a large bowl

Dice Dumplings recipe

7. Pour the hot water in portions and stir it into a snowflake shape with chopsticks, knead it into a smooth, non-sticky dough with your hands, cover with plastic wrap and wake up for 20 minutes

Dice Dumplings recipe

8. Take out one-sixth of the dough, add cocoa powder and knead well

Dice Dumplings recipe

9. Take out a thumb-sized white dough and press flat

Dice Dumplings recipe

10. Add some peanut filling

Dice Dumplings recipe

11. After rounding, use your index finger and thumb to squeeze out six faces.

Dice Dumplings recipe

12. Take the small sesame-sized dough of the cocoa dough and paste 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dots on each of the 6 sides.

Dice Dumplings recipe

13. Pasted dice glutinous rice balls

Dice Dumplings recipe

14. Bring two bowls of water to a boil, pour in fine sugar and ginger slices. If you like sweetness, you can add sugar by yourself. After boiling, add dice dumplings and cook until the dumplings float.

Dice Dumplings recipe


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