Egg Yolk Crisp

Egg Yolk Crisp

by 79rong66

4.7 (1)








Egg Yolk Crisp

1. Synthetic water and oil noodles as the main ingredient, lard and low-powder synthetic pastry noodles in the auxiliary ingredients

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

2. Divide the shortbread noodles into 4 portions, combine 1/4 shortbread noodles + 2g purple sweet potato flour

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

3. 1/4 shortbread noodles + 2 g matcha powder and mix well

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

4. 1/4 shortbread noodles + cocoa powder, mix well

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

5. 1/4 water oil noodles and purple sweet potato powder pastry noodles are divided into 4 portions, water oil bread is put into the pastry noodles, roll out a beef tongue shape, roll up, then flatten, roll up again, and wake up for 10 minutes

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

6. The operation of 1/4 water-oil noodles and matcha powder pastry noodles is the same as before

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

7. 1/4 water and oil noodles and cocoa powder pastry noodles operation is the same as before

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

8. 3 kinds of colored noodle rolls and cut horizontally

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

9. 20 grams of red bean paste with half an egg yolk, 32 servings in total

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

10. Divide the colorless water-oil noodles and shortcrusted noodles into 8 portions each, roll it up like a tongue, then roll it up like a tongue, fold in half and press flat

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

11. Roll into a round piece, wrap it with bean paste, close the mouth down, brush with egg yolk liquid, and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

12. Colored dough rolls, with the cut face up, roll out flat, turn the bread into the bean paste, close the mouth down, preheat the oven at 180℃, and bake the middle layer for 25 minutes

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

13. time up! Chill and eat

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe


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