Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese!

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese!

by Sunny sister

4.8 (1)







Parmesan cheese, ivory or light yellow. The texture is hard, granular, drier as it matures, with creamy and nutty flavors, sweet and slightly salty. Freshly grated or grated Parmesan cheese melts easily and can be evenly incorporated into soups, sauces, fillings, baked goods and breadcrumbs, or as a garnish. Powdered Parmesan cheese tends to brown when heated directly, making it very suitable for fine pizzas or as a topping for pasta. I put Parmesan cheese powder into my favorite mashed potatoes. The strong cheese aroma and the looming nutty taste meet the soft and waxy mashed potatoes, and it is so harmonious when it is seasoned with several crispy green vegetables. The entrance first rushes into the mouth is the aroma of the thick cheese, then the softness of the mashed potatoes, and then chews and has the crispness of the side dishes, fragrant and refreshing, I love it!


Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese!

1. Wash potatoes, peel and slice;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

2. Put it in a steamer and steam for 15 minutes until the potatoes are soft and waxy;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

3. Dice the onion and marinate a little bit of salt for a while;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

4. Cut the carrots into thin strips and marinate for a while with a little salt;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

5. Cut the gherkin into thin slices and pickle a little bit of salt for a while;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

6. After the edamame is cooked, the green beans are picked out;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

7. Pour the steamed potato chips into a large bowl while hot, and pour 2 scoops of about 15 grams of Parmesan cheese powder;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

8. Quickly mix evenly with a spoon;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

9. Grab the carrots and onions and put them in the mashed potatoes, mix well;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

10. Then remove the water from the cucumber slices and put them in the mashed potatoes, and put a few green beans at the same time;

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe

11. Mix the mashed potatoes well and let stand for a while. At this time, put the green beans in a blender to puree and decorate the bottom of the dish. Then put the mashed potatoes into a ball with a spoon and put it on the plate.

Extremely Fragrant Mashed Potatoes with Parmesan Cheese! recipe


Windy sunny day:
1. The amount of salt used in the ingredients of the green vegetables must be small, but it must be marinated to make it more integrated with the mashed potatoes. The amount of salt used should be low, because the cheese powder also has a salty taste, and more of it is harmful to health. Taste;
2. The cheese powder must be put when the potatoes are just steamed and still hot, so as to stimulate the aroma of cheese;
3. The side dishes can be changed according to your preference, but I really like the addition of cucumber slices, which is refreshing and relieving;


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