Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry

by Xiaowenzi 1024

4.8 (1)







I made red bean paste at night!
Ready to make glutinous rice cakes!
result! I just went to play on the computer!
I don’t know if the water in the pot of glutinous rice dries out!
Burn out the pot! The glutinous rice is also battered!
I had to switch to red bean paste cake!
I bought Feibing just a while ago and it has been useless!
Give it a try! "


Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry

1. Put the red beans in a pressure cooker and boil them.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

2. After cooling, add sugar, mix well, put in a blender and stir finely.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

3. Reduce the oil in the pot, add red bean paste and stir-fry the water slightly.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

4. Dip the oil on the hands and the panel, and divide the red bean paste into ingredients.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

5. Take out the fly cake crust to warm up.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

6. Cut the ingredients, roll out the package and add red bean paste.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

7. Cover the baking tray with greased paper, close the red bean cakes, press flat, melt the mouth, coat with egg yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and bake.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

8. The final product can be made by yourself, and the filling is quite sufficient.

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe

9. Everyone, come and eat!

Fei Bing Red Bean Pastry recipe


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