Fish Fillet Tofu Soup

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup

by Knorr

4.8 (1)







In winter, it’s freezing cold outside, and you can often drink fish fillet tofu soup on our table. No matter from the material to the method, it can be regarded as an authentic home-cooked dish. But it is this simple and plain fish soup that expresses the deep warmth that mom offers to the family. Today, I also want to present this classic fish soup to my family. I believe it will also give my family a happy feeling.


Fish Fillet Tofu Soup

1. All ingredients

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe

2. Add a little starch, salt, and cooking wine to the sliced fish and marinate for 10 minutes

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe

3. Cut the tofu into 2-3 cm square pieces for later use. At the same time, boil an appropriate amount of water for later use

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe

4. Pour ginger slices, fish slices and water into a casserole, cook over medium-low heat

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe

5. Add the tofu into the casserole and simmer for another 10 minutes

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe

6. Finally, add salt and Knorr chicken powder to taste, sprinkle in the diced chives and serve. The soup color is milky white after being out of the pot, because Knorr chicken powder is added, it is more delicious and smooth

Fish Fillet Tofu Soup recipe


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