Fish Head Soup

Fish Head Soup

by babyer_red

5.0 (1)








Fish Head Soup

1. Fill the wok with oil, garlic, and fish heads (I used bighead carp heads, more meat, grass carp is also available, wash the blood water, the soup will be white.)

Fish Head Soup recipe

2. Fry on both sides for a while, sprinkle some salt, stir fry, put ginger slices, and pour glutinous rice wine (to remove fishy, white soup)

Fish Head Soup recipe

3. Pour in boiling water (boiled water is easy to cook, the meat is tender), cook for about 8 minutes, add the green onions.

Fish Head Soup recipe

4. It can be served when cooked.

Fish Head Soup recipe

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Fish Head Soup recipe


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