Five Juice Drink

Five Juice Drink

by Five meals a day

4.7 (1)







Today's "Five Juice Drink" is still dry cough without (less) phlegm. According to Chief Physician Zhang Lishan of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, this five-juice drink comes from Wu Jutong's "Regulations on Febrile Diseases" and has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and promoting body fluids.

Tips: The fresh reed root used by Chief Physician Zhang Lishan, I searched and sold it on the Internet, but I wanted to make the reed root durable in storage. I used dried reed root and soaked it in advance.

Reference Moon Age: 8M+"


Five Juice Drink

1. Ingredients: 1 pear, 50 grams of water chestnut, 50 grams of lotus root, 13 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 13 grams of fresh reed root

Five Juice Drink recipe

2. Soak the reed roots in water for half an hour, dice the pear, water chestnuts, and lotus roots. Bring to a boil.

Five Juice Drink recipe

3. After boiling, simmer for 30 minutes.

Five Juice Drink recipe

4. The cooked syrup is so sweet, the cooked water chestnuts, pears, and lotus roots are quite delicious.

Five Juice Drink recipe

5. A different cough is the key to prescribing the right medicine.

Five Juice Drink recipe


This recipe has a supporting video. You can view it on the WeChat public account "Five Meals A Day". I am a national child nutritionist, familiar with the needs of healthy diets for infants and young children, and proficient in cooking.
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