Flower Bun

Flower Bun

by Zodori

4.9 (1)








Flower Bun

1. Add milk when making the dough, add appropriate amount of sugar and alkali after making it, and knead well.

Flower Bun recipe

2. Jellyfish, about the size of an egg

Flower Bun recipe

3. Knead the agent until it is smooth and even.

Flower Bun recipe

4. Roll into strips

Flower Bun recipe

5. overlap

Flower Bun recipe

6. Pay attention to the order

Flower Bun recipe

7. ok,

Flower Bun recipe

8. Start to do the second, prepare the potion and jujube

Flower Bun recipe

9. The agent is divided into two

Flower Bun recipe

10. Roll up separately

Flower Bun recipe

11. Put back to back

Flower Bun recipe

12. Use chopsticks diagonally

Flower Bun recipe

13. Tuanyun Huamo is also steamed

Flower Bun recipe

14. Next, start making Qianye Huahuamo, roll the agent into strips and turn it in the opposite direction.

Flower Bun recipe

15. It's like this after getting better

Flower Bun recipe

16. Use chopsticks to pick it up in the middle

Flower Bun recipe

17. Cut each petal open with a knife

Flower Bun recipe

18. Put the cut jujube in the middle, and you can steam it in the pot.

Flower Bun recipe


If you add a lot of alkali, the steamed bun will turn yellow and the taste will not be very good. You can put less vinegar in the steamer, just fine.


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