Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast

by Bell Baking

5.0 (1)







It's the season of eating pumpkin again. Knead the pumpkin into the dough. The rich pumpkin aroma is the taste of golden autumn. Topped with a dense sponge cake, a dessert, double enjoyment. During the National Day, the color of the national flag was red and yellow. For toast, I usually use wheat flour for Arowana bread, which is 100% imported wheat. The flour is of good quality and easy to film.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast

1. Prepare all the ingredients. Note that pumpkin puree should be made with pumpkins with less water content as much as possible.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

2. To make toast dough, put the other ingredients except butter nails together and knead it into a smooth dough.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

3. Then add butter and knead to the completion stage where a large piece of smooth film can be pulled out. Fermented at about 26 degrees to double the size. Those who like goji berries can put it in after the final dough is beaten, and then knead it evenly.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

4. The fermented dough is gently patted to exhaust, and divided into two evenly. Relax for 15 minutes and roll out into a long tongue that is slightly shorter than the toast mold.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

5. Roll up from top to bottom.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

6. Put it in a toast mold for the second fermentation. The temperature is about 36 degrees, and the fermentation is 1.5 to twice as big.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

7. Let's make sponge cake batter when it's about to rise. After the whole egg is broken up, add sugar and beat until it is delicate and has obvious lines. The dripping egg liquid will not disappear after lifting the whisk.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

8. Stir milk and corn oil well.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

9. Sift the low flour and red yeast rice powder and add them to the whipped whole egg, stir until there is no dry powder, and then take a small portion and mix into the even milk corn oil.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

10. Pour back into the batter and continue to mix evenly.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

11. Pour the batter into the fermented toast mold. Be careful not to make the dough too big.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe

12. Then bake at 180 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. The temperature and time should be adjusted according to your own oven. Remove the mold immediately after baking, let cool and slice and eat.

Golden Diamond Pumpkin Toast recipe


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