Hawthorn Applesauce

Hawthorn Applesauce

by Green olives

4.6 (1)







The new hawthorn is on the market, and it is a good time to make jam. Pure hawthorn is more sour, so I added apples to neutralize the sourness and also to reduce excessive sugar. Considering that white sugar is too high in calories, rock sugar is used to moisturize the throat and has a better sweetness than white sugar, while brown sugar enriches blood and has a strong color, and the finished product is a bit maroon red, which is more attractive. The made jam can be spread on bread slices, steamed bread slices and eaten, drink with water, or make jam pancakes. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, invigorating the spleen and stomach, eliminating food accumulation, and lowering three highs. "


Hawthorn Applesauce

1. Wash the hawthorn to remove the stalk and remove the nucleus. There is no special tool but a knife.

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

2. Processed hawthorn

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

3. A big apple

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

4. Peel the core and cut into small pieces as much as possible. Mine is a little bigger, and it doesn't cook as fast as the hawthorn.

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

5. Into the boiling pot, add water is two-thirds of the ingredients

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

6. crystal sugar

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

7. After the water is boiled, put rock candy and two large pieces of brown sugar (clumped)

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

8. Cook on medium heat, look at the pot from time to time, fill it up when you find that there is little water, and stir it from time to time to prevent the pot from getting stuck.

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

9. Hawthorn ripens faster than apples, so use the back of a frying spoon to crush the unrotten apples

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

10. Wait until all the apples and hawthorns can be muddy, let cool and bottle

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe

11. Sealed and refrigerated

Hawthorn Applesauce recipe


The sweetness can be tasted when it is cooked. If it is too sour, add brown sugar while it is hot and stir until it is delicious.


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