Homemade Lard

Homemade Lard

by 0 Zucchini 0

4.7 (1)







Compared with general vegetable oil, the fat of animal oil has an irreplaceable special fragrance, which can increase appetite. When we eat noodles here, we add a little lard, which tastes very delicious. The leftover oil residue is also very crispy to eat


Homemade Lard

1. Fat slices

Homemade Lard recipe

2. Put a little oil in the pot to heat up, put the sliced fat into the pot

Homemade Lard recipe

3. Stir-fry medium and small fire

Homemade Lard recipe

4. Slowly fry out the fat

Homemade Lard recipe

5. The lard is completely fried, the fat becomes oily residue, and a little salt is added

Homemade Lard recipe

6. Remove the oil residue, put the lard into a bowl and let it cool and solidify.

Homemade Lard recipe


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