How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious

by Wen Yi (from Tencent.)

4.9 (1)







Millet porridge is also called Yuezimi. The floating layer of "rice oil" on the surface is extremely nutritious and can replace ginseng soup. Using millet to cook porridge and take it before going to bed makes it easy to sleep peacefully. The stomach nourishment effect is excellent, but millet porridge Many people have not really understood how to make good food. Mommy has made a detailed tutorial for you, and you can practice it if you need it!


How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious

1. Choose high-quality farm yellow rice to retain the nutrients of the millet as much as possible. It is sourced from the mountainous area, planted in spring and harvested in autumn, without irrigation, no chemical fertilizers, and no additives! Juan Juan Spring, nourish all things, the true feelings of the farmer, endless aftertaste!

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

2. Prepare to wash rice, millet porridge should not be too thin, so the prepared millet can be adjusted according to the number of people

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

3. The main purpose of washing rice is to find out the impurities in the rice. Don't rub the rice with your hands when washing the rice. Avoid prolonged soaking or washing the rice with hot water; just use tap water. Farmer's rice will have rice bran, so the first time is more muddy!

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

4. In the second round of washing rice, there are more rice bran itself, but the rice bran is not dirty and has a certain nutritional value, so just wash away the sand and other impurities!

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

5. After washing the rice, pour out the tap water and add pure water!

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

6. Simmer on a low heat for about 25 minutes, the grains will burst, and after a while, there will be thick rice oil!

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe

7. The grains burst. If the rice you buy is not new rice, it can't be boiled at this time, and it is not easy to rot, nor is it glutinous or fragrant, so you must choose good new rice.

How to Make Millet Porridge The Most Nutritious recipe


Making delicious millet porridge mainly depends on the choice of rice and the size of the fire. You should not cook it with high fire. Not only does it have no rice oil, but the rice itself is not very strong, so it must be simmered slowly. You can make delicious rice porridge!


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