Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage

by Little Grassroots Family Food

4.7 (1)







Lettuce in winter. The nutrition of jellyfish is very rich. According to the measurement, jellyfish contains more than 10 kinds of nutrients such as protein, fat, inorganic salt, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, vitamin A, and vitamin B group. Chinese cabbage is even more indispensable on the table. Chinese cabbage is slightly cold and sweet. It has the functions of nourishing stomach, nourishing body fluid, eliminating irritability and thirst, diuresis and detoxification. Chinese cabbage contains protein, fat, multiple vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, etc."


Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage

1. Clean the cabbage

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

2. Shred the cabbage

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

3. This is instant jellyfish head

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

4. Marinate the cabbage with salt for a few minutes, rub it a few times with your hands, and pour out the excess water

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

5. Add such chili oil (add more if you like spicy), add sugar and vinegar (10g: 15g), like more sour vinegar, add it according to your taste.

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

6. Add jellyfish head, with bag inside the head, add sesame oil

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

7. Pour red chili oil on top of the jellyfish head and mix well when you eat it.

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe

8. Loading

Jellyfish Head Mixed with Cabbage recipe


For sweet and sour flavors, don't put MSG and other fresh seasonings. You can add vermicelli and fungus to mix this dish together.


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