Jujube Horseshoe Water

Jujube Horseshoe Water

by Mom Nini

4.6 (1)







Horseshoe has the effects of clearing heat and promoting fluid, cooling blood and detoxification. Red dates and longans can nourish blood and nourish the skin, and ginkgo can lower serum cholesterol.


Jujube Horseshoe Water

1. Wash the horseshoe thoroughly with water

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

2. Then peel off the skin (the horseshoe has a thicker skin, be careful with your hands)

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

3. Cut into small pieces

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

4. Wash red dates

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

5. Longan peeled and set aside

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

6. Ginkgo peeled and set aside

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

7. crystal sugar

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

8. Add cold water to the casserole and pour the dates (the amount of water is slightly larger)

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

9. Longan

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

10. Add the horseshoe cubes to a boil over high heat, turn to medium-low heat for 10 minutes

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

11. Add ginkgo

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

12. Boil the rock sugar for 10 minutes

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe

13. It tastes better when chilled

Jujube Horseshoe Water recipe


1. The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted freely.
2. The ginkgo is so ripe, don't put it early, if you use it dry, soak it in advance.


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