Longan Soy Milk

Longan Soy Milk

by Food·Color

4.8 (1)







Almighty soy milk.
I even forgot the inclusiveness of soy milk. After turning a lot of longan into syrup, I suddenly realized that the accumulated longan can also be gradually consumed in the way of soy milk, just like apple soy milk. Longan has become syrup, but it doesn't hurt. It’s even more unscrupulous when used to make soy milk-once it has been steamed and then crushed into a slurry, it will not feel as pitiful as fresh longan.
Just take the pulp and the soup will be avoided. This guy is really sweet enough, I'm afraid adding the soup will increase the sugar content.
A touch of sweetness, a touch of longan taste, really good. . .


Longan Soy Milk

1. Ingredients: 55 grams of soybeans, 40 grams of longan meat, 1000 ml of water

Longan Soy Milk recipe

2. Rinse soybeans, drain, soak them in water until their hair rises

Longan Soy Milk recipe

3. Pour into the soymilk machine and add the longan meat. Pour clean water, the water level is not lower than the lowest water level

Longan Soy Milk recipe

4. Install the machine head, start the full nutrition function, when the beating is over, pour out and drink

Longan Soy Milk recipe


The amount of longan meat can be adjusted according to your preferences. The beating function can be selected according to the actual situation of your own soymilk machine.


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