Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce

by Winter Solstice 2467

4.8 (1)







A staple food often made in the Northeast in summer, the eggs are delicious and the noodles are rich in sauce


Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce

1. Ingredients are ready, cucumber, onion, shredded, green onion, chopped green onion, beaten eggs and set aside

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

2. Add water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the noodles and cook for 3-4 minutes until they are broken, remove

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

3. Put it in cold water and remove it to drain

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

4. Code on disk

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

5. Add oil to the pot and heat up, add egg liquid, spread until the egg liquid solidifies, and divide into small pieces

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

6. Add chopped green onion, fragrant sauce, a little water, bring to a boil and heat until the sauce is thick

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe

7. Just pour on the noodles

Noodles with Egg Fried Sauce recipe


Cook the noodles for 3-4 minutes until they are broken


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