Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup

by Dark blue millet porridge

4.6 (1)







This longan, jujube and red bean soup is a home-style soup with simple ingredients but a mellow and sweet taste that nourishes blood and calms the nerves. Use Supor Fresh Breath Pressure Cooker to get this soup with one click, super easy and convenient! Longan meat is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It is beneficial to the heart and spleen and nourishes qi and blood. It not only replenishes the spleen and strengthens qi, but also preserves blood without consumption. Jujube is rich in protein, carotene, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, iron and other ingredients. It is sweet and warm, and has the effects of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. Red beans are rich in vitamin B1, B2, protein and a variety of minerals, which have the effect of nourishing and strengthening the spleen and stomach. Longan, Jujube and Red Bean Decoction can help hydrolyze toxins, nourish blood, nourish the spleen, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and have a very good nourishing effect.


Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup

1. Prepare ingredients: 30 grams of red beans, 6 red dates, 16 longans, 20 grams of brown sugar, 5 grams of wolfberry;

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

2. Clean the red beans, red dates and longan and put them in the Supor Fresh Breathing Pressure Cooker;

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

3. Add appropriate amount of water;

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

4. Supor Fresh Breathing Pressure Cooker selects the function of "Mixed Grain Porridge";

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

5. The lid of the electric pressure cooker can be opened when the pressure display "green light" after exhausting

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

6. Open the lid, add brown sugar and wolfberry;

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

7. Supor Fresh Breathing Pressure Cooker selects the function of "open the lid and collect the juice";

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe

8. Bring the brown sugar to a boil and eat.

Nourishing Blood and Beauty Soup recipe


The brown sugar must be boiled in the pot, because brown sugar will breed bacteria during transportation. If it is boiled together with the pot, it will have a sterilization effect! If you don’t like too sweet pros, you don’t need to put brown sugar!


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