Nutrition Duck Soup

Nutrition Duck Soup

by Seeking Joan in a Dream

4.7 (1)







Choose free-range duck meat to make the soup, it tastes sweet and nutritious. Especially suitable for people who are weak as a food supplement


Nutrition Duck Soup

1. Kill the fresh duck and chop it into small pieces

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe

2. Use boiling water to pass the duck meat over the bleeding

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe

3. Remove and drain the water

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe

4. Put water in a casserole and add ginger

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe

5. Bring to a boil, pour the duck meat

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe

6. Continue to boil, change to low heat and cook for more than two hours, turn off the heat and add salt to taste

Nutrition Duck Soup recipe


The duck meat can also be prepared with some goji berries according to the age of the duck.


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