Octopus in Tomato Sauce

Octopus in Tomato Sauce

by Scarlett

4.6 (1)







I especially like fish. There are many fresh rivers in the market here, such as mandarin fish, bream, yellow bone fish, catfish, etc., and the price is not expensive, but there are only a few kinds of sea fish, of which I eat the most. My favorite is hairtail. Hairtail is tender, delicious, with few spines, and the price is not high, and it is also rich in nutrients, so many people like it. I usually cook octopus in braised, sweet and sour sauce, etc. Today, I will try the tomato sauce flavor, the method of directly using tomato sauce to adjust the juice, it is simple and convenient, and it tastes delicious.
This dish only needs to pay attention to the preparation of this dish: the marinated octopus pats a layer of dry powder and then fried can prevent the octopus from sticking to the pot, but remember to dry it before patting the flour or use kitchen paper to absorb the moisture on the surface of the octopus. The epidermis can form a thin protective layer to make the taste better. At the same time, oil temperature control is very important when frying fish. At the beginning, the oil temperature should be high enough to let the octopus shape as soon as possible, and the frying time should not be too long to prevent it from being too dry; the tomato sauce should be fried with oil, which is good for lycopene For the absorption, pour the octopus and cook for a few minutes. Be careful to flip it in the middle to allow the octopus to fully absorb the flavor of the tomato sauce.
The deep-fried octopus that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside is wrapped in sweet and sour tomato juice. It is crispy and appetizing in the mouth. It is a very irresistible taste. Not only is it very suitable for small pot friends, but also the elderly like it very much, and the whole family loves it.


Octopus in Tomato Sauce

1. Wash the hairtail and cut into pieces, add white wine, salt and ginger slices

2. Marinate for a while after evenly spreading

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe

3. Spread a thin layer of cornstarch on the surface of the marinated hairtail

4. Heat the pan, heat the oil, put the octopus slices coated with cornstarch into the pan, and put the ginger slices together

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe

5. Fry the octopus until it is golden and turn it over

6. Save some base oil, add minced ginger and stir fry

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe

7. Stir fry until it is fragrant, add tomato sauce and stir fry together

8. Add some water and boil it

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe

9. After boiling, put in the octopus cubes that have just been fried

10. Add some salt and sugar to taste

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe

11. Cover and cook for three minutes, turning once in the middle

12. Big fire harvest juice

Octopus in Tomato Sauce recipe


1. Add some salt to the octopus for the bottom taste, ginger slices and white wine to help remove the fishy; the marinated octopus cubes should be wrapped in a thin layer of cornstarch before being put into the pot; heat the pan with oil, and put the octopus cubes in In the wok, avoid grilling the wok and fry the hairtail until golden on both sides;
2. Leave a little base oil in the pot, sauté the minced ginger first, then fry the tomato sauce, add some water to boil the juice, add the octopus cubes and simmer in the tomato sauce. Pay attention to turning the noodles once or twice in the middle to let the flavor fully enter.


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