

by I have dried shrimp

4.9 (1)







Eggs are one of the best sources of nutrition for human beings. Eggs contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and proteins with high biological value. Although the eggs are nutritious, they are tasteless and tasteless. My Chinese cuisine is extensive and profound, and the taste problem is naturally not a problem. For example, today I brought you this very delicate egg cake~~ It is really delicious and nutritious!
In terms of materials, apart from preparing two fresh eggs, the choice of flour is very important. Because it is directly related to the taste of the omelet, I chose Zhongyu multi-purpose wheat flour and made so many recipes. I believe everyone knows the advantages of this multi-purpose flour in the taste of the staple food! This time the omelet is no exception. It is not only fragrant and soft, but also has a chewy texture. Finally, sprinkle with chopped green onion, golden yellow with green onion, the appearance is also quite gratifying~
Omelet is definitely one of the best foods for breakfast. It is delicious, healthy and nutritious. Eat two delicious egg pancakes in the early morning when your appetite is weak, and you will be sure to be full of vitality for the day!



1. Put flour in a bowl and beat in eggs;

Omelet recipe

2. Add water to make an egg batter, then add salt and mix well;

Omelet recipe

3. Wash and chop the shallots, and beat the remaining 2 eggs for later use (you can also directly beat the eggs on the cake);

Omelet recipe

4. Pour a little oil in the pan, heat it and turn to low heat;

Omelet recipe

5. Pour the egg batter and wait for the surface of the batter to solidify;

Omelet recipe

6. Pour in an appropriate amount of beaten egg liquid (you can directly beat the egg on top and spread it evenly with a spoon);

Omelet recipe

7. Sprinkle chopped chives on the surface, turn over after the egg liquid has solidified;

Omelet recipe

8. Pause for a while to roll up, turn off the heat, and cut off (you can also brush with your favorite sauce, add your favorite vegetables, meat).

Omelet recipe


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