Pan-fried Whitebait

Pan-fried Whitebait

by Corduroy

4.8 (1)







The fresh fish is marinated in advance with a little salt. The frozen fish can be marinated with some cooking wine, white pepper or green onion ginger. This kind of fish method can be eaten calmly even when time is tight, and it can be done in 5 minutes regardless of the preparation work, which is especially suitable for office workers.


Pan-fried Whitebait

1. Drain the washed whitebait, add salt, cooking wine and white pepper, mix well, marinate for 10 minutes

Pan-fried Whitebait recipe

2. Add a small amount of flour and mix well, so that each fish body is evenly coated with a thin layer of flour

3. Add a thin layer of oil to the pan

Pan-fried Whitebait recipe

4. When the oil is warm, spread the fish in the pan and fry slowly

5. After the bottom surface turns yellow, turn it over and continue to fry until the bottom surface turns yellow and it can be out of the pan

Pan-fried Whitebait recipe
Pan-fried Whitebait recipe


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