Pumpkin Toast

Pumpkin Toast

by Qianqian_DOkzbcaviraI

4.6 (1)







Pumpkin toast is here again. Pumpkin has always been my favorite fruit and vegetable. I like its sweetness and its gorgeous colors. Especially the golden color of pasta is great. It has a high value and gives people a kind of sweetness. Funny"


Pumpkin Toast

1. Peel and seed pumpkin, cut into slices

Pumpkin Toast recipe

2. Put it in a steamer and steam (steam for 20 minutes)

Pumpkin Toast recipe

3. Steamed pumpkin puree

Pumpkin Toast recipe

4. Except butter, put all the ingredients in the bread machine bucket, open the bread machine lid and knead the dough (put in the order of powder and liquid)

Pumpkin Toast recipe

5. The bread machine selects the "kneading" program, opens the lid to knead, and the time is set for 15 minutes

Pumpkin Toast recipe

6. After the time is over, add the softened butter

Pumpkin Toast recipe

7. The bread machine selects the “kneading” program again, the time is set to 15 minutes, and the dough is kneaded again. This step is repeated twice. The whole kneading program is 4 times before adding the butter (depending on whether the dough can be produced. The glove film determines the frequency of kneading)

Pumpkin Toast recipe

8. After the procedure is over, take out the dough to check the status, and you can pull out the thin and elastic thin glove film.

Pumpkin Toast recipe

9. Without fermentation, directly divide the dough into 3 equal parts, round them separately, cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes

Pumpkin Toast recipe

10. After standing still, take out a dough and roll it out into a tongue shape

Pumpkin Toast recipe

11. After turning over, arrange the shape, roll it up from top to bottom, cover with plastic wrap and let stand again at room temperature for 15 minutes

Pumpkin Toast recipe

12. After standing still, take out the dough and roll it into a tongue shape, as long as possible

Pumpkin Toast recipe

13. After turning it over, arrange the shape, keep the width as consistent as possible, roll up from one end to the other, and roll the end as thin as possible

Pumpkin Toast recipe

14. Roll up tightly with as many turns as possible

Pumpkin Toast recipe

15. Place the bread embryos into a 450g toast mold in the same direction

Pumpkin Toast recipe

16. Put it in a non-open oven, and put a bowl of 100°C boiling water in the oven at the same time to help the fermentation (the temperature is maintained at 35°C, the humidity is 85%), and the fermentation time is 40-60 minutes. After 40 minutes, you can observe the dough fermentation at any time. The dough can be fermented to seven minutes full (this time the ingredients are more than ordinary 450g toast, so it cannot be fermented to 8 minutes full during fermentation)

Pumpkin Toast recipe

17. Cover the toast box with the fermented dough

Pumpkin Toast recipe

18. Preheat the oven, put the toast box (bread embryo) in the lower layer of the oven, fire up and down at 180 degrees, and bake for 45 minutes

Pumpkin Toast recipe

19. It's out 😀, open the lid to shake out hot steam

Pumpkin Toast recipe

20. Buckle upside down on the grid to cool off

Pumpkin Toast recipe

21. Finished picture

Pumpkin Toast recipe

22. Finished picture

Pumpkin Toast recipe

23. Densely brushed, thick pumpkin scent

Pumpkin Toast recipe

24. 😀

Pumpkin Toast recipe

25. 😀

Pumpkin Toast recipe


To make this bread in summer, all the liquid must be refrigerated before use.


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