Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling

by 18LS28xgl Scattered

4.8 (1)







The ordinary glutinous rice balls are made with glutinous rice flour, sugar and water. But if you add some mashed purple potato to the glutinous rice balls, it will not only have a good appearance, good nutrition, but also taste more flavorful. It's sweet and soft, but it's not particularly sweet and greasy. Both the elderly and children in my family like it. Usually my son can only eat 10 glutinous rice balls, this bowl of [purple sweet potato glutinous rice balls] he has eaten a large bowl.

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling

1. Prepare the ingredients: glutinous rice flour, purple potato mash; wash the purple potato, peel and cut into pieces, steam it in a pot, and mash it into a puree while it is hot;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

2. Mix the glutinous rice flour and sugar evenly, add boiling water, and knead it into a smooth dough; when the glutinous rice flour is poured into boiling water, it is very hot. Use chopsticks to stir the dough in a circular motion, and then slowly knead it with your hands;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

3. After kneading the glutinous rice flour into a dough, mix it with purple potato mash;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

4. Continue to knead into a smooth purple sweet potato glutinous rice ball;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

5. Divide the purple sweet potato glutinous rice ball into several portions, each about 10g, and then round them;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

6. Kneaded purple sweet potato glutinous rice balls;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

7. Sprinkle hand powder on the excess glutinous rice balls;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

8. Then put it into the bag, shake it up and down, so that the glutinous rice balls are dipped in hand powder; tie the pockets tightly, and store them in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

9. Pour water in the milk pan and bring to a boil; add purple sweet potato glutinous rice balls and cook until they float;

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe

10. Turn off the heat, serve, and the [Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling] is ready.

Purple Sweet Potato Dumpling recipe


1. The amount of sugar can be adjusted according to personal taste;
2. Scattered food life (scattered food), original author of the food column. Follow me, I will share more simple recipes for food with you! If you like it, please forward it, your forwarding is very important to me!


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