Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup

Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup

by Purple Grass 2004

4.7 (1)







The benefits of eating red beans:

1. Seed (Acacia): hard, bitter, flat. Toxic 3 induces vomiting, deworming, removing toxins and reducing swelling.

2. Used for scabies and carbuncle.

3. Root (Acacia root), stems and leaves (Acacia vine): Produce body fluid, moisturize the lungs, clear away heat, and diuresis.

4. Used for sore throat, hepatitis, cough, sputum and asthma.

Taboo of red bean soup:

1. Red beans cannot be boiled with rice, otherwise it is easy to cause oral sores.

2. Red beans have certain medicinal properties. After entering the body, it has a good diuretic and swelling effect and maintains the effect of promoting heart activity. However, if salt is added during the cooking process of red beans, it will not only not improve the efficacy, but even reduce the efficacy.

3. Red beans have a good diuretic and swelling effect, and at the same time can effectively promote the speed of intestinal peristalsis. The editor recommends that some patients with weak gastrointestinal function should not be greedy when taking red beans daily.
Transfer from Baidu"


Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup

1. Wash the red beans with cold water one night in advance.

Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup recipe

2. Add appropriate amount of rock sugar and tangerine peels. I have dried tangerine peels by myself. You can put some tangerine peels on, and the taste will be better! More than three times the water, the rice cooker has the function of cooking porridge for two hours.

Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup recipe

3. The freshly-boiled eggs are cooked and eaten with red bean syrup. Drink a warm bowl of brown sugar water in winter and it won't be cold anymore.

Red Bean Tangerine Peel Syrup recipe


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