Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots

by Chuan Wangfu Kitchen

4.9 (1)







Duck meat is an excellent delicacy on the table, and it is also an excellent food for people to tonic. According to Chinese medicine, the food that ducks eat is mostly aquatic organisms, so its meat is sweet and cold. Relieve cough and resolve phlegm.


Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots

1. These are ten kinds of spices

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

2. Ingredients: half a duck, spring bamboo shoots. (Old ducks are best to choose Ma duck or lake duck for about two years. The two ducks mentioned above are not fat and tender. I chose frozen cherry valley duck)

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

3. Treat bamboo shoots, peel them, change the knife, cut 3×0.5cm vertical strips, or cut diagonal slices. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a spoonful of salt, add bamboo shoots, boil for two minutes after boiling, remove from heat, and set aside in cold water.

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

4. After slaughtered ducks, they should be carefully cleaned, and the hair roots in the hair follicles should be pulled out with tweezers. Use a knife to cut 3×1cm pieces, add 3 slices of ginger to a pot of water, add duck pieces when the water is boiled, boil the bleeding foam for 2 minutes, remove it, and wash off the blood foam with water for later use.

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

5. Put the base oil in the pot, the oil temperature is 50% hot, add the ginger slices, add the duck pieces, reduce the heat, keep stirring the duck pieces to force the duck oil, see that the surface of the duck skin is slightly yellow, and add the spices (except the bay leaves). Stir fragrant.

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

6. After the spices are fragrant, change to medium heat, add rice wine and cook for fragrant. Add rock sugar, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce in turn, then add dried bamboo shoots and stir fry, add 150 g of water, cover the pot, and simmer for 5 minutes. Open the lid and rely on the soup, then hook the thinner, out of the pot and put on a plate.

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe

7. After loading.

Roasted Duck with Bamboo Shoots recipe


Sliced ginger, rice wine and gardenia are all to remove the smell of the duck; you don't need too much oil when sautéing the duck pieces, but the fire should be low, otherwise it will be mushy. It is recommended to pick out the larger spice when serving, so that the serving is beautiful.


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