

by Little Grassroots Family Food

4.7 (1)







Every time I go to a restaurant to eat sashimi fish, it costs more than 300 yuan. This time my husband bought two black fish and went home. I really didn’t finish it. It was too much. I made three dishes with these fish fillets. Upload this sashimi which is the most popular with your family, learn it, and you can make milky white fish soup in the future, and you can also shabu-shabu. Take a look."



1. The black fish is boneless, head and tail are removed, and the blade is obliquely large. The thinner the better, the skin of the fish can not be removed. The fish skin is delicious, or you can remove it at will.

Sashimi recipe

2. Cooking wine, salt, green onion and ginger marinate for 30 minutes (I have two fishes)

Sashimi recipe

3. Stir several times in the middle

Sashimi recipe

4. Add proper amount of oil to the pot (vegetable oil is fine)

Sashimi recipe

5. Fry the fish bones and fish tail (the head of a fish can also be put in)

Sashimi recipe

6. Add sugar, at high temperature, cooking wine, vinegar

Sashimi recipe

7. Be sure to fry the fish thoroughly (key point, golden on both sides), and then remember (boil a pot of water in advance) add boiling water at this time, the fish soup will be thick and white, and the fish will be tender.

Sashimi recipe

8. Remember to cover, the fire will boil

Sashimi recipe

9. Thick white fish soup, add appropriate amount of salt, pepper, usually tofu, vermicelli, etc. to make fish soup.

Sashimi recipe

10. Pour into a casserole, add dried chili (more spicy) and goji berries. The bottom of the pot soup is made.

Sashimi recipe

11. Add fish fillets and other vegetables (whatever you like) to the casserole

Sashimi recipe

12. Shabu Shabu

Sashimi recipe

13. Shabu Bean Curd

Sashimi recipe

14. Fish fillet pot (just like the way to eat hot pot)

Sashimi recipe

15. Prepare your favorite dipping sauce

Sashimi recipe

16. You can also gulp soup.

Sashimi recipe


Be sure to fry the fish thoroughly (key point, golden on both sides), and then remember (boil a pot of water in advance) add boiling water at this time, the fish soup will be thick and white, and the fish will be tender.


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