Sauce Beef Tendon

Sauce Beef Tendon

by Fable 7656

4.8 (1)







Beef tendon, the tendon on the body of a cow, is full of tenacity. Beef tendon is rich in collagen, has a lower fat content than fatty meat, and does not contain cholesterol. It can enhance the physiological metabolism of cells, make the skin more elastic and tough, and delay the aging of the skin. It has the effect of strengthening muscles and bones, and has a good therapeutic effect on people with weak waist and knees and weak body. Help young people grow and develop and slow down the speed of osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly women.


Sauce Beef Tendon

1. Ingredients: old soup, beef tendon

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

2. Seasoning: green onion ginger, beef stew bag, angelica root, cumin, grass fruit, clove, soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce.

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

3. Wash the beef tendon and put it in a pot of cold water, add the green onion and ginger, a teaspoon of cooking wine, and bring to a boil

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

4. After the fire is boiled, skim the floating powder and cook for 20 minutes.

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

5. Remove the cooked beef tendon and wash off the floating powder with warm water.

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

6. Put it in a saucepan, add old soup and sweet noodle sauce.

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

7. Add hot water to remove the beef tendon, add all the seasonings, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer on low heat. (Beef tendon stews for a long time, so you must have more water)

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

8. After cooking for about 1.5 hours, add some salt. Cover the lid and continue to simmer

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe

9. Cook until the beef tendon is soft and waxy. Turn off the heat. The beef tendon with good sauce can be sliced and eaten directly, or it can be served cold or fried.

Sauce Beef Tendon recipe


If you don't have time to simmer slowly, you can use a pressure cooker to save time and effort.
Beef tendon is not the same as beef. Beef will shrink when it is stewed, and beef tendon sauce will rise when it is cooked. The soup must be more.


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