Sauce Elbow

Sauce Elbow

by English-English recipes

4.8 (1)








Sauce Elbow

1. Remove the hair from the front elbow of the pig and then remove the bone, prepare the spice onion and ginger.

Sauce Elbow recipe

2. Wash the elbows, roll them up and tie them with twine.

Sauce Elbow recipe

3. Add cold water to the pot, add elbows, green onions, and ginger, pour in white wine and cook for 5 minutes.

Sauce Elbow recipe

4. Put another pot with rock sugar and a little water, turn on a low heat to fry the sugar color, turn off the heat until brown, and put a little hot water (when using hot water to wash the sugar color, there will be some splashes, to prevent being burned).

Sauce Elbow recipe

5. Pour hot water into the casserole, put in the treated elbows, let the water cover the elbows, and bring to a boil. Pour the sugar color into the pot, add spices, green onions, and ginger. Pour the rice wine.

Sauce Elbow recipe

6. Pour in the soy sauce.

Sauce Elbow recipe

7. When the marinade is about to open, remove the froth, then turn to a low heat after the high heat is boiled.

Sauce Elbow recipe

8. Put salt, cover and turn to low heat to simmer for 2.5 hours.

Sauce Elbow recipe

9. The cooked pork elbow should be soaked in brine for several hours to taste.

Sauce Elbow recipe

10. Slice and plate.

Sauce Elbow recipe


Spices in brine can also be wrapped in gauze for use.


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