Scallion Cheese Scones

Scallion Cheese Scones

by Yoha Kitchen

4.9 (1)







Scone is a quick snack. It can be made into sweet or salty. It's rare to buy fine chives. Chives and cheese are also very good. As a snack for afternoon tea, it can be paired with a cup of coffee or milk. It’s all awesome"

Scallion Cheese Scones

1. Prepare the materials; put flour and bran into the basin; chop the onion;

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

2. Diced cheese

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

3. The butter does not need to be softened when taken out of the refrigerator. After cutting into small pieces, mix with flour and knead well; the flour after kneading is like loose corn flour

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

4. Pour the evenly kneaded flour on the chopping board, encircle the powder wall, put in the granulated sugar, baking powder, and pour milk

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

5. Use a spatula to mix the powder and milk in portions; add the chives and cheese

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

6. Knead the flour and cheese into a ball, and do not knead it; wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

7. Take out the refrigerated dough and flatten it slightly with a rolling pin; divide it into 8 portions with a spatula

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

8. Brush the surface of the dough with egg wash

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

9. Put it in a preheated 220 degree oven, middle level, 20 minutes

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe

10. Take it out when it’s hot and taste good, crispy and delicious

Scallion Cheese Scones recipe


Scone is very suitable for novices. The ovens are different, and the temperature should be set according to the temperament of their own ovens.


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