【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste

by 1 coarse tea and light rice 1

4.6 (1)







According to Chinese habits, the autumn and winter seasons are a good time to "tonify" the body, which everyone calls "tonifying winter."
As for women, the best food tonic is donkey-hide gelatin. Donkey-hide gelatin is a traditional medicine for replenishing blood. It has been a good tonic since ancient times. It has the functions of nourishing blood, stopping bleeding, nourishing yin, moisturizing dryness, nourishing blood, and anti-fetus.
Today I used "Ejiao Ejiao" to make this more traditional, delicious and nourishing "Ejiao Steamed Paste". I didn't expect it to be successful the first time I made it. It tastes sweet and chewy, and has a very tasteful taste. Ejiao paste is usually made by boiling, but the steamed tonic effect will be better, and the method is relatively simple. "


【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste

1. Prepare the ingredients you need: donkey-hide gelatin, yellow wine, black sesame seeds, old rock sugar, wolfberry, walnuts, red dates (washed and cut into pieces)

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

2. Put the A film into the food bag and knock it into small pieces

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

3. Powder it with a wall breaker

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

4. The rock sugar is also powdered

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

5. Pour donkey-hide gelatin powder and rice wine into the basin and stir evenly, cover with plastic wrap and soak for more than 1 hour

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

6. Stir-fry the black sesame seeds

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

7. Walnut kernels are divided into small pieces (you don't need to petals, you like it) and fried

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

8. Stir-fry the red dates a little too, it will be sweeter and easier to preserve

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

9. Rinse the wolfberry with water

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

10. Then use kitchen paper to soak up the water

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

11. After the donkey-hide gelatin is soaked, pour in rock sugar powder and stir evenly, and seal with high temperature resistant plastic wrap (you can also use a suitable plate or lid to avoid the entry of distilled water)

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

12. Put enough water in the steamer, add the processed donkey-hide gelatin after the water is boiled

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

13. Steam on medium heat for 40 minutes

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

14. Take it out when it is steamed for 30 minutes, add wolfberry, walnut kernel, red dates, black sesame, and stir well, then steam it in the pot again for 10 minutes (to make the ingredients more fused, and at the same time to sterilize)

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

15. Put a high-temperature-resistant plastic wrap in the container, and brush a layer of edible oil on it

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

16. It is best not to pour the donkey-hide gelatin paste into the container immediately after it is steamed to prevent the plastic wrap from being burned by the temperature. It needs constant stirring to lower the temperature, and it can be poured into the container after the temperature drops to about 60 degrees. Cover the surface with plastic wrap and flatten it by hand. Let cool and put it in the refrigerator for half a day or a day

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

17. Take out the hardened donkey-hide gelatin paste, slice or block it and eat it after demoulding

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe

18. Be careful not to eat too much at once

【shandong】ejiao Steamed Paste recipe


1. The powder of donkey-hide gelatin and rock sugar will speed up the melting speed
2. If the pieces of donkey-hide gelatin are not broken into powder, they can be broken into small pieces and soaked in yellow wine for three days before making them.
3. The sesame, walnuts, etc. in the auxiliary materials can be added according to personal preference, which can be more or less
4. Ejiao cream is easy to get angry, just two tablets a day


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